
We commit to the highest standards of integrity and transparency, embracing the true spirit of corporate governance to exceed the expectations of our stakeholders. The Company’s governance framework is meticulously designed to enable robust decision-making, uphold ethical conduct, and ensure comprehensive compliance throughout its operations.

Corporate Governance and Risk Management
The KMS Board holds a pivotal role in defining our ethical and governance standards. Composed of individuals with diverse expertise, the Board provides broad perspectives on strategic and operational challenges, ensuring that our practices align with both business goals and ethical standards. The Board convenes quarterly to focus on strategic oversight, risk management and ensuring compliance with ethical standards.

Supporting the Board’s efforts, the Risk Committee regularly meets to oversee the Company’s adherence to ethical practices and review compliance issues and strategies. Meanwhile, the Board also actively reviews the Company’s sustainability initiatives and risk management frameworks to ensure they align with KMS’s long-term goals and regulatory requirements.

We believe that ethics and transparency are driven by values and demonstrated through actions. The Company’s policy suite provides clear, robust and comprehensive guidance for its employees, contractors, and stakeholders.